Sunday, July 25, 2010

Missions Trip to Kansas

Had such a great time travelling with the 5th through 7th graders last week, on our short missions trip to Wichita Kansas. Our Youth Pastor's parents live there, and he goes every year to help out with their church "Kids Week" which is an week long event, every evening, sortof like vacation bible school. There were 7 kids including Matthew.  They led the worship every night along with Mrs. Summer, our youth pastor's wife.  Here they are rehearsing the worship songs --- along with all the hand motions which I could not keep up with!!!

 and here they are in action!

This is Kennedy, the oldest boy, we gave him a special role because he is an AMAZING dancer.  We called him "K.I.Glow" and he did his dance every night with glow-in-the-dark clothes and gloves, and a blacklight.  It was quite awesome!!!  Pastor Josh had ordered a jar of "glow in the dark face cream" which was totally amazing. I was Kennedy's "wardrobe manager" every night -- taping up his pants and shirt with the special glow tape -- and he needed lots of help getting that gloopy Mask on every night!! Such a sweet kid!!

Pastor Josh's dad gave rides to the kids on his Honda motorcycle.  Don't worry Mom -- it was just around the church parking lot, that's why he doesn't have a helmet.

Pastor Josh's dad gave rides to the kids on his big Honda motorcycle!!! 
Don't worry Mom -- it was just around the church parking lot, that's why he doesn't have a helmet

Josh took us on a couple of outings during our "free time", he is so cool.  We went to the Sedgwick County Zoo which is right by his parents' house.  It was the most beautiful zoo I have ever seen, nice and shady and many air conditioned pavillions -- much much nicer than the dallas zoo.  

Matthew and the Meerkat (see it, right above his shoulder?)

It was only 90 degrees, in the shade!
With the wild elephants!

In the Amazon Rainforest exhibit, totally cool!  See the Toucan on the branch behind the kids?

Matthew and ChooChoo (can't pronounce his real name so that's what everyone calls him). 
He is the sweetest child. I wish ChooChoo could teach my son how to SMILE IN A PHOTO omg

Snakes are so disgusting.  Even though God made them.  I used my zoom lens to get this photo from far away.

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