Thursday, June 3, 2010

Academic Award for Hayden!!

I am so proud of my amazing boy!!  His first year at the public school, and he made it a great year!!

In April I rec'd a phone call from the Principal of the school, saying Hayden was invited to be a part of the Awards Ceremony at the school.  WHOA a call from the Principal.  We didn't know what the award was for.  But of course I was there at the ceremony, in my Sunday best, with my camera all charged up and ready!!  

This is the award the principal gave him.  It is an Academic Patch -- he earned it for keeping his grades up above a 3.5 GPA all year.  Actually 3.67 but you know, who's counting brag brag.  Okay actuallyyyyyy ... as of the end of the 2nd semester he was student #116 out of 739 total students in the Freshman class.  And I expect his student ranking to come up even higher at the end of the year because his grades were up even higher in the last semester)   Anyway. Forgive me for boasting on my son.  But I am just so proud of how far he has come in this year -- compared to this time last year at Lakewood. Anyhow, this big puffy patch will get sewn onto his Letter jacket that he will receive as a Junior. 

Hayden's girlfriend Miranda also earned an Academic Patch -- for her high GPA -- as well as a special award for being in Journalism class.  Miranda is just the sweetest girl, I **LOVE** her. They are very sweet together -- they bring out the best in each other-- and encourage each other in their walk with the Lord. 

Here is another pic of Miranda and Hayden:
this photo was taken right after the powder puff football game

I am proud of these kids! Good kids!!!

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